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Seit 1980 wird der Leica Oskar Barnack Award vergeben. Anlass für die Stiftung des Preises war 1979 der 100. Geburtstag von Oskar Barnack (1879–1936), maßgeblicher Erfinder und Pionier der Kleinbildfotografie. Seither ist mit den Gewinnerserien ein lebendiges Archiv zur Geschichte der Fotografie und des Bildjournalismus entstanden. Zugleich eine visuelle Analyse gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen. Gewinner des Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2020 ist der italienische Fotograf Luca Locatelli. Für seine Serie „Future Studies“ wurde er im Jubiläumsjahr des LOBA in der Hauptkategorie ausgezeichnet. Luca Locatelli erhält nicht nur die Gewinnerprämie, die in diesem Jahr erstmals auf 40.000 Euro erhöht wurde, sondern auch eine Leica Kamera-Ausrüstung im Wert von 10.000 Euro. Seine Bilder dokumentieren, dass die Menschheit begierig die Ressourcen nimmt und sich um den Verlust einer besseren Zukunft nicht schert. Der Leica Oskar Barnack Award Newcomer 2020 geht an den portugiesischen Fotografen Gonçalo Fonseca. Für seine Serie „New Lisbon“ wurde er im Jubiläumsjahr des LOBA in der Nachwuchskategorie ausgezeichnet. Als Gewinner des Newcomer Awards erhält Gonçalo Fonseca einen Fotoauftrag, ein zweiwöchiges Tutoring im Headquarter der Leica Camera AG in Wetzlar und eine Leica Q im Wert von rund 5000,oo Euro. Der Fotograf schildert in seiner Serie die aktuell dramatische Wohnungssituation in Lissabon und zeigt anhand von Einzelschicksalen die Folgen einer fortschreitenden Gentrifizierung. Durch die explodierenden Immobilienpreise in der Hauptstadt haben bereits über 10.000 Mieter ihre Wohnungen verloren.

Luca Locatelli, FUTURE STUDIES

LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
Workers have been taking apart this Soviet-era nuclear power plant, near Greifswald in eastern Germany, since 1995, cleaning radioactive surfaces with steel grit so the metal can be recycled. Germany plans to shut all its reactors by 2022.
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
This is how a country house in the Westland looks, surrounded by greenhouses It gives us a sense of how futuristic the Dutch agriculture landscape can be.The NL has the most futuristic agro farming technology in the world.
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
This coal and mineral ore storage facility in the port of Hamburg is surrounded by wind turbines extending in the distance. These minerals were shipped for thousands of miles across oceans to arrive here, feeding coal plants and heavy industries throughout Germany. In the wake of environmental crisis, Germany is aiming to phasing out of coal energy production: by 2022 an estimated 12 coal plants will be shut down, making renewables the main source of power for the country. But at this moment Germany is still producing more than 30% of its energy needs by coal. Wind energy is accounting for about 20% of Germany production and it’s making visible the transition all around the nation.
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
Two automated grab cranes inside the Amager Bakke waste-to-energy plant’s collection chamber in Copenhagen, Denmark. Here, trash is dumped directly into the massive silo, which has a total height of 36 meters and can hold approximately 22’000 tonnes of waste.
Although it burns through trash at a rate of 70 tonnes per hour, Copenhagen has to import rubbish from Britain and Germany to make up for the Dane’s efficient recycling scheme which leaves a little to landfill waste. Their hope is to one day run out of waste, as the plant has been designed as a circular solution and to be powered by biomass instead of trash.

Gonçalo Fonseca, NEW LISBON

LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
Emília is a 93 year old woman. She lost her eye-sight ten years ago and relies on Nelita for her daily food and help with chores. “I was born here and I raised three boys in this small apartment, this is all I know. If I am evicted, how will I survive on my own in another place?” asks Emília. November, 2019
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
A couple has dinner using a cellphone light because the police cut the power. Danílson (left) and Rebeca (right), work as a security guard and a server at a restaurant. They have been occupying this abandoned home for a few months.
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
During the global Coronavirus outbreak, Lisbon’s city hall evicted 13 families from the apartments they were squatting in Alfredo Bensaúde.
LEICA Oskar Barnack Award 2020
Maria Pereira gets ready for another sleepless night in Gare do Oriente, Lisbon. She was put out on the streets by her landlord, who changed the lock on her door. For two weeks she was sleeping in Lisbon’s streets, waiting for the courts to solve her issue.

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