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Schlagwort: VENEZIA


HOMO FABER ist ein Premium Event, das Bedeutung und Leistung von Craftspeople herausstellen will. Veranstalter ist die Michelangelo Foundation, eine in Genf ansässige non-profit Institution. Die Intention der Foundation im Originaltext: The Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship is an international non-profit organisation that celebrates and preserves master craftsmanship and strengthens its connection to the world of design. We want to help people rediscover the ability of the human hand to create, and support those doing it best: the exceptional contemporary European master artisans using long-held traditions, skills and knowledge to make beautiful objects of lasting value. We are named after a beacon in this field, Michelangelo, a visionary artist and master artisan who embodied both creativity and craftsmanship at the very highest level of excellence.