Enlightenment – lässt sich Licht aus einem anderen Blickwinkel beleuchten? Ist es möglich, sinnvoll, spannend oder gar erleuchtend, Licht getrennt von seiner Funktion zu betrachten? Federico Palazzari, CEO von NEMO Lighting, hat den Künstler und Designer Ron Gilad gefragt. Hier dessen Antwort: “The installation offers a dynamic experience resulting from a dialog between the light, the object and the performer. It aims to playfully subvert our everyday perceptions of light, form and space, using movement, time and irony, in order to challenge our preconceptions and open new ways of seeing light objects. It embraces the unexpected and the delightful. The individual scenes the installation is composed of are explorations of the manipulation and movement of light as a medium and raw material that define space, create atmosphere and evoke emotions. Through the use of various techniques, such as reflection, refraction, diffusion, color, sound and video, the behavior of light is choreographed and manipulated, questioning the relationship between the light source and the space it occupies”. Zugleich eine Einladung zum Besuch des Event während Art Week und Design Week Milano. ENLIGHTEMENT, BORGONUOVO19, Via Borgonuovo 19 in Milano. Vom 14. bis 22.April 2023.
Visuals are courtesy of NEMO Lighting.