Ownership ist für CANOO überholt. Moderne Mobilität wird von Membership geprägt werden. Auf mehreren Ebenen ist das Konzept eine ‚weiße Leinwand‘, die Gestaltung zulässt. Die Canvas Series signalisieren die Möglichkeiten, das Fahrzeug individuellen Vorstellungen der Mobility-Members entsprechend zu gestalten. So lässt sich signalisieren, wer mit dem Canoo im Verkehrsstrom unterwegs ist. Änderungen, aus welchem Grund auch immer, sind Teil des Plans. Das Wrapping ist so konzipiert, dass es einfach ausgetauscht oder entfernt werden kann. Den Rest der Geschichte und den Start einer ART-Serie mit dem Künstler JGoldcrown erzählt der Text von CANOO besser und authentischer: Canoo, a company developing breakthrough electric vehicles (EV), announced today the launch of its Canoo Canvas Series with the debut piece created by James Goldcrown, popularly known as JGoldcrown. The series, which kicks-off in Los Angeles at Canoo’s headquarters, will move across the country to collaborate with various artists over the coming months. To mark the launch of this initiative, JGoldcrown created a custom mural for the Canoo headquarters in his signature ‘bleeding hearts’ design, and transposed his art onto the company’s first vehicle by way of a custom-designed vinyl wrap.
“We have always envisioned our minimalistic design as a blank canvas, and we developed the Canoo Canvas Series to celebrate and support artists across the country by inviting them to demonstrate the expressive potential that our electric vehicles offer,” said Richard Kim, In Charge of Design at Canoo. “We started with iconic Los Angeles artist James Goldcrown in order to pay tribute to our hometown, and we will include additional artists from across the country who represent a diversity of American perspectives.”
Bleeding Hearts/Lovewall Murals: London-born artist JGoldcrown is internationally renowned for his signature murals featuring dripping or ‘bleeding’ painted hearts layered over one another in different colors. He is often commissioned to commemorate historic and cultural events, such as the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York and a recent tribute to basketball star Kobe Bryant in Los Angeles. JGoldcrown calls the murals’ trademark heart design universal—something meant to be understood around the world without explanation—that sends an uplifting message of positivity and community in every continent.His various projects led to his first show at Miami Basel in 2015, where his work sold out in 2 hours. His work, which has become some of the most photographed street art in the world, is currently displayed around the globe in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, London, Shanghai, Tokyo and Melbourne where it has developed a cult-like following. „The love walls have opened up so many feelings and emotions for people around the world,” said Goldcrown. “When I first saw the Canoo vehicle, I thought it was the perfect blank canvas. I loved everything they were doing with all the unique wraps. Canoo is going to be a big deal.“

Text und Fotos: CANOO